About Our Solutions

Your customers have more choice today than ever before. And they listen to each other. One bad experience has a magnified effect. A good one could lead to a lifetime of loyalty. So getting the customer experience right is critical – every time.

But getting it right takes insight. A lot of it.

Customer surveys, In-store audits, Mystery shops, Contact center data, Social Media. These days, it’s increasingly difficult to make sense of it all.

Enter Buzzer Agency's customer intelligence solutions. A new insight system pioneered by Buzzer Agency and shaped by some of the biggest companies in the world.

Consumer Intelligence Agents helps you identify:

What matters most to your customers
How your stores are performing against those expectations
What specific improvements at which locations will drive the biggest impact to your bottom line.

But how? By leveraging highly varied forms of customer data — from customer satisfaction to mystery shopping to transaction records - then layering sophisticated, targeted Analytics on top of that resulting in statistically predictive recommendations, hosted on a single, blended and intelligent technology platform, Knowledge Force.
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